What Is the International Pathfinder Camporee?

Pathfinders is a youth ministry within the Adventist Church for those ages 10-15. It’s similar to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts programs—but with a spiritual twist. Pathfinder clubs are hosted by local churches and focus on helping young people develop skills and grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Though most Pathfinder events happen on a local or regional level, the international Pathfinder Camporee is different. Every five years, it brings together Pathfinders from across the globe for a week of exciting programming. This event is jam-packed with activities like rock climbing, service projects, and rodeos. And the evening and Sabbath programs bring everyone together for spiritual encouragement.

Many past camporees were held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin (USA), so you might’ve heard of this event by its nickname of “Oshkosh.”

Let’s learn a few more details about the international camporee, including:

What happens at the international camporee?

A young girl wearing her full Pathfinder uniformThe international camporee provides many activities for young people, including opportunities to learn skills, be involved in service projects, and grow spiritually.

One major aspect of Pathfinder clubs is earning “honors” or badges for completing specific requirements of a skill. Though Pathfinders earn a lot of these honors during their local club meetings, the camporee is one opportunity to earn more. Some examples are:

  • Serving communities
  • Geology
  • Archery
  • Bible marking
  • Origami
  • Climbing
  • Lighthouses
  • Drawing and painting

In addition to these classes, the camporee offers off-site activities like horseback riding, hiking, or pottery. Attendees can also take part in parades, flag ceremonies, fun runs, and marching drill team competitions.

Another typical part of the camporee is the Talent Stage. In preparation for the camporee, a young person can submit a performance to share with the other attendees. This performance could be singing, playing a musical instrument, or reading a poem.

Of course, we can’t forget the evening and Sabbath programs, which bring all the attendees together for worship, singing, and spiritual encouragement. These programs typically have a main speaker and dramas that focus on the Bible character chosen for the event. Each camporee also has a special theme song that the attendees learn together.

Past events have had themes like “Forever Faithful,” focusing on the Bible character Daniel (2014), and “Chosen,” which focused on King David (2019).

Last but not least, a major highlight is the baptisms. Many young people see the camporee as a special chance to commit their lives to Jesus and show others that commitment through baptism. At the 2019 event, 1,320 young people were baptized.

When and where is the next one?

The next international camporee will take place August 5-11, 2024, in Gillette, Wyoming.

Unlike many previous years when the camporee was held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, the organizers voted to move the location west to provide a larger venue with greater support for attendees. The event will take place at the Cam-Plex Facilities in Gillette, the largest full-amenity campground in the world.

The theme for this event will be “Believe the Promise,” focusing on the Bible character Moses, who encouraged the Israelites to believe God’s promise to bring them to the Promised Land of Canaan. The evening program will have drama productions of this story.1

During the day, the attendees can choose from hundreds of activities, from earning various honors to participating in drill team competitions, fun runs, community service, and the talent stage. Some special events and activities in Gillette will include:

  • Pottery at a studio called Hands On Pottery
  • A visit to Area 59, a maker center with robotic arms, laser engravers, 3D printers, a workshop, and more
  • Tours of a buffalo ranch or a coal mine
  • A motocross demo
  • Rodeos
  • A vintage car show
  • A chef competition

To watch the promo video and get further details, visit the official camporee website. It provides maps, schedules, activity lists, and much, much more.

Who attends the international camporee?

A middle-aged Pathfinder leader in full uniformThe international camporee is attended by thousands of Pathfinder members, as well as their club leaders and chaperones. The Pathfinders are typically aged 10-15 and come from nearly every continent in the world.

The 2019 Chosen International Camporee had over 55,000 attendees from more than 105 countries. Countries like:

  • Kenya
  • Uganda
  • El Salvador
  • Mexico
  • France
  • Italy
  • England
  • Latvia
  • The United Arab Emirates
  • China
  • Australia
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Indonesia

And that’s only naming a few!

How to get involved in the international camporee

A line of volunteers serving a meal to PathfindersAttending the international Pathfinder camporee begins with being part of a local Pathfinder club. Many larger Seventh-day Adventist churches host their own clubs and smaller churches may pool together to have enough members. Check with your local church pastor to find out if there’s a club near you.

To attend the camporee, Pathfinders in the North American Division (NAD) can purchase tickets through their club directors. International tickets, on the other hand, are purchased individually.

If you’re not of Pathfinder age but would like to support this extraordinary event, the international camporee always needs adult volunteers! Hundreds of volunteers come together to help the event run smoothly. Simply fill out the volunteer form on their website and find out what you can do.

Another great way to support the camporee is through sponsoring Pathfinders to attend. Often, Pathfinders will fundraise or seek assistance through their churches, so you can be part of helping them attend this exciting, spiritually enriching event.

Wondering what else the Adventist Church offers for young people?

  1. “Believe the Promise International Pathfinder Camporee Is Going West!” Seventh-day Adventist Church: North American Division. []

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